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Please join us for a special presentation on Green Burial with Coco King of Green Burial Massachusetts. Learn about the differences between green and traditional burial, local guidelines, and more.
Find out if green burial is the right choice for you. Whether you are actively considering having a green burial or are just curious about how it is done, you are invited to attend Green Burial – The Earth Friendly Option, a program in partnership with The Reading Neighbors Network and The Reading Public Library, presented by Green Burial Massachusetts.
Join speaker Coco King of Green Burial Massachusetts as she explores topics including:
Answers to these questions and more will be covered, and there will be time for questions of your own.
Registration is encouraged but not required.
About the presenter: Coco grew up immersed in the family trade of honoring legacies, working alongside her father at their monument shop in Milford, Connecticut. In 2021, Coco embarked on a transformative journey. She interned at White Eagle Memorial Preserve, a conservation cemetery nestled in the forests of Washington State. There, she discovered a different way to honor the deceased: untreated caskets, hand-dug graves, family involvement, and burial grounds that seamlessly integrated with the surrounding wilderness. This approach not only reconnected loved ones with nature but also fostered a deep sense of participation and healing in the process of saying goodbye. Inspired and determined to bring this ethos to New England, Coco has made it her mission to reimagine cemeteries as spaces of life, not just loss. She aims to reconnect people with the land, with the natural cycle of life and death, and with their own grief. By advocating for green burial practices, Coco is helping communities transform the way they view end-of-life rituals—creating places where nature, memory, and humanity coexist in harmony.
More info on Green Burial Massachusetts here:
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Standalone Event | In-Person Event |
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